Logstash input from Elasticsearch wrong configuration

I want my logstash to take data from Elasticsearch on some server. This is my logstash configuration for input from Elasticsearch

 input {
         hosts => ""
         index => "alerts-*"
         schedule => "* * * * *"
         user => 'admin'
         password => 'admin'
         query => '{ "query": {"match_all": {}} }'
         tags => "table_elastic_to_elastic"
         ssl_certificate_verification => false
         ssl => true
         size => 500
         docinfo => true

While running pipeline from this configuration file I am getting Something is wrong with your configuration.

I am new to ELK stack. Please let me know where i am doing wrong.

That is a valid option for the elasticsearch output, but not the input. Delete it.

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Thank you. It is working fine now.

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