Logstash.input.imap error SSL

Hello, i have a logstash v8.11.3 with input.imap plugin v3.2.1. Here is my pipeline and the ssl error i have

input {
  imap {
    host => "myhost"
    password => "mypassword"
    port => 993
    user => "myemail@mydomain"
    secure => true
    check_interval => 30
    uid_tracking => true
[2023-12-21T09:19:42,569][ERROR][logstash.inputs.imap     ][main][f2fffe56680f84257f6d30afab8445a5b3dade022c55fe3cfa8076e0bdbb0015] Encountered error Java::JavaLang::NullPointerException {:message=>"Cannot invoke \"org.jruby.ext.openssl.SSLContext$InternalContext.getSSLContext()\" because \"this.internalContext\" is null", :backtrace=>["org.jruby.ext.openssl.SSLContext.createSSLEngine(SSLContext.java:782)",....

Is anyone can help me please ?

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The issue seems to be widespread Plugin doesn't work with Logstash 8.10+ · Issue #61 · logstash-plugins/logstash-input-imap · GitHub

Thanks for your response, but it seems to be not the same error, i don't have the --net/smtp error.

I finally uninstall Logstash 8.11 and install Logstash 8.9 to solve the problem.

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