Error when i try to crowle a secured mail box with IMAP plugin in logstash

Hi everyone;

I try to crowle a secured mail box with IMAP plugin in logstash with this configuration :

imap {
        host => ""
        user => ""
        password => "myPass`Preformatted text`word"
        port => 993
        secure => true
        check_interval => 1

I have this error :

16:11:04.752 [[main]<imap] ERROR logstash.pipeline - A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.
  Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::IMAP host=>"", user=>"", password=><password>,
 port=>993, secure=>true, check_interval=>1, strip_attachments=>true, id=>"",
enable_metric=>true, codec=><LogStash::Codecs::Plain id=>"plain_7ea68871-10bb-444b-ab8c-67356cbf275b", enable_metric=>tr
ue, charset=>"UTF-8">, verify_cert=>true, folder=>"INBOX", fetch_count=>50, lowercase_headers=>true, delete=>false, expu
nge=>false, content_type=>"text/plain">
  Error: Socket closed

knowing that i havent this when i use no secured config :

imap {
    host => ""
    user => ""
    password => "myPassword"
    port => 143
    secure => false
    check_interval => 1

someone can help me?


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