Logstash is replacing : with => How can I get : on the output

Logstash is replacing : with => How can I get : on the output

My input file:

"customfield_10150": [
{"key": "caanyimi",
"displayName": "Anyimi, Charles"}



Hi @Raj_Sekhar,

Could you please explain bit more about your use case what you are trying to do and what you want to achieve.

Harsh Bajaj

Hi Harsh,

I have an nested array of values inside the json.
When I am trying to write to a csv file, the colons are getting replaced with =>

"customfield_10150": [
"key": "caanyimi",
"displayName": "Anyimi, Charles",
"self": "https://nsg-jira.intel.com/rest/api/2/user?username=caanyimi",
"avatarUrls": {
"16x16": "https://nsg-jira.intel.com/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&ownerId=caanyimi&avatarId=18136",
"48x48": "https://nsg-jira.intel.com/secure/useravatar?ownerId=caanyimi&avatarId=18136",
"32x32": "https://nsg-jira.intel.com/secure/useravatar?size=medium&ownerId=caanyimi&avatarId=18136",
"24x24": "https://nsg-jira.intel.com/secure/useravatar?size=small&ownerId=caanyimi&avatarId=18136"
"active": true,
"name": "caanyimi",
"timeZone": "US/Pacific",
"emailAddress": "charles.anyimi@intel.com"
"key": "dablunde",
"displayName": "Blunden, David",
"self": "https://nsg-jira.intel.com/rest/api/2/user?username=dablunde",
"avatarUrls": {
"16x16": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/28dd9333e6b5dc333179817530ded97e?d=mm&s=16",
"48x48": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/28dd9333e6b5dc333179817530ded97e?d=mm&s=48",
"32x32": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/28dd9333e6b5dc333179817530ded97e?d=mm&s=32",
"24x24": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/28dd9333e6b5dc333179817530ded97e?d=mm&s=24"
"active": true,
"name": "dablunde",
"timeZone": "US/Pacific",
"emailAddress": "david.blunden@intel.com"

Hi @Raj_Sekhar,

I understood your point. For this please try with below line adding in filter section.

ruby {code => 'open("/tmp/test.json", "w") { |file| file.write(event.get("json").to_json) }' }

Please do let me know if still you are not able achieve the same.

Harsh Bajaj

Hi @harshbajaj16, Tried it, but the same result.
May I know where is the file writing in your command ?

Hi @Raj_Sekhar,

You need to add this in your logstash configuration file which is in /conf.d/ directory.

There are three section in conf file Input, Filter and Output. You need to add this in filter section.

Please find document link for filter ruby plugin.

Also, i found a discussion for similar problem. You can look into this and can get more idea about filter plugin.

File in the command is /tmp/test.json.

Please do let me know if you need more help in this regard.

Harsh Bajaj

Hi @harshbajaj16,

Below is my conf file after adding what you have suggested to add.
input {
stdin {
codec => "json"

filter {

    if "_jsonparsefailure" in [tags] {drop { }} # for last record which comes with text->Impala query scan limit reached

ruby {code => 'open("/tmp/abc.json", "w") { |file| file.write(event.get("json").to_json) }' }

mutate {
rename => {"[priority][name]" => "priority_name"}
rename => {"[priority][id]" => "priority_id"}
rename => {"[priority][self]" => "priority_self"}
output {
stdout {codec => rubydebug { metadata => true }}
stdout { codec => dots }

file {
codec => "json"
path => ["/tmp/logstash_output/test/%{key}.json"]
write_behavior => "overwrite"

csv {fields => ["priority_name","priority_id","priority_self"]
	path => ["/tmp/output_csv/%{key}.csv"]
	write_behavior => "overwrite"


rubydebug always displays data using => but that should not affect the format written to your file or csv output.

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