Hello. I am trying to import a MySQL table into Elasticsearch using Logstash (version 5.6.4). I get the following error:
[2018-11-27T12:48:46,216][WARN ][logstash.inputs.jdbc ] Exception when executing JDBC query {:exception=>#<Sequel::DatabaseError: Java::JavaLang::IllegalArgumentException: HOUR_OF_DAY: 2 -> 3>}
Here is my config file:
input {
jdbc {
jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_name?useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=America%2FChicago"
jdbc_user => "mysqlUser"
jdbc_password => "mysqlPassword"
jdbc_driver_library => "/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
sql_log_level => "debug"
statement => "SELECT * FROM weights LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id WHERE weights.user_id=users.user_id"
type => "weights"
filter {
mutate { replace => { type => "%{type}" } }
if [type] == "weights" {
mutate {
add_field => {
"index_timestamp" => "%{phone_tstmp}"
date {
match => ["index_timestamp", "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"]
target => ["@timestamp"]
date {
match => [ "index_timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
target => ["index_timestamp"]
output {
elasticsearch {
"hosts" => "https://user:pw@server:9200/"
"index" => "indexName"
"document_type" => "%{type}"
I tried setting the sql_log_level
to debug
, but I don't see any new messages in the Logstash log file. If I change the timezone to UTC in the jdbc_connection_string
, I'm able to import the table successfully. However, I need the timezone to be America/Chicago. When the exception shows up in the log file, the pipeline immediately stops:
[2018-11-27T12:48:46,530][WARN ][logstash.agent ] stopping pipeline {:id=>"main"}
How can I go about debugging this? Thanks!