Logstash JMS Input version 7.4.0

Hi All,
I am very newbie to ELK and my requirement is to read the messages from IBM WMQ.

I have setup the queue manager, Queue, JMS queue, Binding etc.. as needed.
In order to read messages from IBM WMQ, I believe logstash needs a JMS Input plugin.

Honestly i am not sure which plugin should be used from the below 2 options

  1. plugin : logstash_jms_ibm_mq
  2. plugin : logstash-input-jms-master

Request you to kindly suggest me which one should be used and how it can be installed and reading messages from JMS administered objects on IBM WMQ can be done.
Is there any installation guide or Process document available for windows . If yes can you kindly share the same please.

Following options i have tried and it's throwing some error.
Downloaded the logstash-input-jms.zip and logstash-input-jms-master.zip from links below


  • Installing plugin : logstash_jms_ibm_mq
    Following is the command i am running and Getting the below Error
    option 1. Command run without .zip extension logstash_jms_ibm_mq
    C:\logstash-7.4.0\logstash-7.4.0\bin>logstash-plugin install logstash_jms_ibm_mq
    ERROR: Something went wrong when installing logstash_jms_ibm_mq, message: Net::OpenTimeout

option 2 Command run with .zip extension logstash_jms_ibm_mq
C:\logstash-7.4.0\logstash-7.4.0\bin>logstash-plugin install logstash_jms_ibm_mq.zip
ERROR: Something went wrong when installing logstash_jms_ibm_mq.zip, message: Net::OpenTimeout

  • Installing plugin : logstash-input-jms-master
    C:\logstash-7.4.0\logstash-7.4.0\bin>logstash-plugin install logstash-input-jms-master
    ERROR: Something went wrong when installing logstash-input-jms-master, message: Net::OpenTimeout

C:\logstash-7.4.0\logstash-7.4.0\bin>logstash-plugin install logstash-input-jms-master.zip
ERROR: Something went wrong when installing logstash-input-jms-master.zip, message: Net::OpenTimeout
For more details i have attached the plugins what is downloaded and the error screen shot from windows command console

The plugin was already available and installed
<< C:\logstash-7.4.0\logstash-7.4.0\vendor\bundle\jruby\2.5.0\gems\logstash-input-jms-3.1.1-java

Created a local queue and the modified it to a a JMS queue on IBM WMQ by using a binding file.
Update logstash.conf file and added the below content

Test JMS Input read from queue

jms {
include_header => true
include_properties => true
include_body => true
use_jms_timestamp => true
interval => 10
destination => "ELK.QUEUE"
yaml_file => "C:\logstash-7.4.0\logstash-7.4.0\bin\mq.yml"
yaml_section => "wmq"
#codec => "json"

test JMS output : Write to Logstash and Search on Kibana with index as test_jms

elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "test_jms"
stdout {
codec => rubydebug

Modified logstash.yml << because mine is a basic licence>>
added the below line

xpack.monitoring.enabled: false

Modified the mq.yml located at <<C:\logstash-7.4.0\logstash-7.4.0\bin\mq.yml>

IBM WebSphere MQ

:factory: com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory
:queue_manager: ICCELK01
:host_name: localhost
:port: 1414

Transport Type: com.ibm.mq.jms.JMSC::MQJMS_TP_CLIENT_MQ_TCPIP

:transport_type: 1

:username: app

:password: password

- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.dhbcore.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.axis2.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.commonservices.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.headers.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.jmqi.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.jms.Nojndi.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.pcf.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.soap.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mq.tools.ras.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/com.ibm.mqjms.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/javax.jms.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/javax.resource.jar
- C:/logstash-7.4.0/logstash-7.4.0/bin/jars/javax.transaction.jar

Hope this helps anyone facing the issue or want to connect to IBM WMQ.

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