Logstash Json filter re-formated the @timestamp field unexpectedly

I'm encounter an issue with the logstash json plugin.
In my "message", there's an field called "@timestamp", it's in UNIX epoch float format. However, when I try to use json filter to parse the "message" field, it converts the field to _@timestamp, with value of scientific notation string.

The incoming message:

"@timestamp": "2020-06-14T16:21:06.562Z",
"message": "{ \"@timestamp\":1592107552.495885,\"AGENT_ID\":\"892a6367-8924-4ed2-9e0a-eced1c7af0e6-S0\"....}"

This is my json filter

json {
    # convert the document string in message to json obj
    source => "message"
    # remove the message (json string) once it's converted to json obj
    remove_field => [ "message" ]

I got a WARN log entry for every message parsed, which may blow our log files, but that's another issue.

Unrecognized @timestamp value, setting current time to @timestamp, original in _@timestamp field {:value=>"0.1592150846569201e10"}

Most importantly ,it conversion the @timestamp field from my message to the scientific notation string!

"@timestamp": "2020-06-14T16:21:06.562Z",
"_@timestamp": "0.1592150846569201e10"

My question:

  1. Is there a date match format that I can use out of box to parse the scientific notation? Instead of writing my own ruby code to recover the original float timestamp?
  2. Is there a way to suppress overwhelmed WARN logs from json filter, such as
Unrecognized @timestamp value, setting current time to @timestamp, original in _@timestamp field {:value=>"0.1592150846569201e10"}

Thank you!

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  1. I haven’t tried this but base on this, looks like the UNIX format will parse float epoch

  2. you can set the json target to another field then use a date filter to convert the timestamp. that way your filter won’t try to override the timestamp for every entry hence avoiding the warning message . but depending on the amount of fields in the json, you could end-up having a lot of fields under the target

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Thank you very much for your prompt reply
#1, I tried to use the following to parse the scientific notation string, but I got a timestampparsefaile.

date {
  match => ["_@timestamp", UNIX]

It seems that it's good at parsing UNIX float, but NOT the scientific notation format

#2. I thought about that, but the issue is that I don't want all the fields out of json ended up being in an nested json object. To comply with our data model, I had to write another ruby script to move each of them out of the nested object to the root level, which is quite inefficient.

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Support for epoch values when coercing @timestamp is discussed here.

Moving values from a field to the root level is pretty cheap. The ruby code is here.

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Thank you @Badger, I implemented a hack before viewing your post above:

Given the message in my use case are usually short, I used gsub replaced the "@timestamp" in the "message" string to another key before passing the the "message" content to the json filter. It works.

mutate {
    # Hack, rename the @timestamp field embedded in the message to another string to avoid conflict when parsing the json
    gsub => ["message", "\"@timestamp\"", '"logCreateTime"']
json {
    # convert the document string in message to json obj
    source => "message"
    # remove the message (json string) once it's converted to json obj
    remove_field => [ "message" ]

From your experience, will this be a cheaper or more expensive operation than moving the keys?

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Your solution could be cheaper, but I doubt either is going to be expensive enough to care about.

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