Logstash Kakfa is Slow and Rebalancing Often


I have logstash reading from Kafka topic with 3 paritions. The logstash is slow in processing the data and kafka is rebalancing very often, which is causing duplication of records. I have tried to increase the max_poll_timeout =600000ms and session_timeout = 300000ms with no luck. I need some guidance to solve the slowness problem.

    **Logstash config:**

    input {
      kafka {
        bootstrap_servers => ''
        group_id => 'Test'
        topics => 'Topic1'
        codec => json
        max_poll_records => '50'

    filter {
      ruby {
        code => "
          tstamp = event.get('epoch')
          event.set('Time',Time.at(tstamp.to_i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

    output {

      stdout { codec => rubydebug  {  metadata => true } }

      csv {
        file_mode => 0644
        fields => ['Time','Field1','Field2','Field3']
        path => '/csv/data.csv'


    http.host: ""
    log.level: info
    path.logs: /logs
    pipeline.workers: 3
    pipeline.batch.size: 10000
    config.reload.automatic: "true"
    config.reload.interval: "3s"
    path.data: /data

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