I have a huge problem. My kafka is on a different DC and we are using logstash to pull data. Our Elastic stack is running in kubernetes but our data is getting pulled very slow. How can I optimize logstash to pull data faster?
How do you know the bottleneck is logstash? How many logstash consumers do you have reading from the Kafka topic ? How many partitions does your Kafka topic have ? What does your Kafka input configuration look like at the logstash side ? What’s the spec of the the logstash consumer ?
thanks for the help! let me answer those questions here:
How do you know the bottleneck is logstash?
I have installed redpanda on my cloud and I can see the lag on my kafka broker. So I see a huge lag, quite often and it takes days to clear.
How many logstash consumers do you have reading from the Kafka topic ?
I have 12 partitions, so I have 12 logstash input kafka configured to pull from kafka as consumers
What does your Kafka input configuration look like at the logstash side ?
producer is logstash output but I do see the messages in redpanda almost in realtime so this part is good.
What’s the spec of the the logstash consumer ?
input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "my-server-kafka"
topics => ["logstash"]
codec => "json"
group_id => "logstash"
auto_offset_reset => "latest"
session_timeout_ms => "250000"
request_timeout_ms => "300000"
security_protocol => "SSL"
ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm => ""
ssl_keystore_location => "/usr/share/logstash/keystore/keystore"
ssl_key_password => "Password"
ssl_keystore_password => "Password"
ssl_truststore_location => "/usr/share/logstash/keystore/truststore"
ssl_truststore_password => "Password"
fetch_max_wait_ms => "500"
fetch_max_bytes => "96582912"
fetch_min_bytes => "6048576"
max_partition_fetch_bytes => "8048576"
consumer_threads => "12"
max_poll_records => "2000"
I fixed this but in case anyone has any problems with logstash input as kafka consumer this is a great article:
and this is my config now:
input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "my-server-kafka"
topics => ["logstash"]
codec => "json"
group_id => "logstash"
auto_offset_reset => "latest"
session_timeout_ms => "250000"
request_timeout_ms => "300000"
security_protocol => "SSL"
ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm => ""
ssl_keystore_location => "/usr/share/logstash/keystore/keystore"
ssl_key_password => "Password"
ssl_keystore_password => "Password"
ssl_truststore_location => "/usr/share/logstash/keystore/truststore"
ssl_truststore_password => "Password"
fetch_max_wait_ms => 3000
fetch_max_bytes => "96582912"
fetch_min_bytes => "6048576"
max_partition_fetch_bytes => "8048576"
consumer_threads => "12"
max_poll_records => "2000"
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