Logstash multiline with incrementation

Hi everyone,

I'm working on log files and I have a little problem, this is an example of my logs : (user1)
file1 (user2)
file2 - read only

A new line is identified by an IP address, for each line I want to keep the following information :

  • IP address
  • domain
  • user
  • file

For the first line, it isn't very complicated because I have only 1 file but for the second line I have a problem, I can get only the first file (file2). At the end, I'd like to have the following data into Elasticsearch : localhost user1 file1 localhost user2 file2 localhost user2 file3

I don't want to keep the lines that don't begin by an IP address or that contain a dash '-', in my example I don't want to keep : file2 - read only.

This is the configuration file that I use for Logstash :

input {
    file {
        type => "my_dashboard"
        path => "/path-to-my-data/*"
        start_position => "beginning"
        sincedb_path => "since_db"
        codec => plain { charset => "ANSI_X3.4-1968"}
filter {
    multiline {
        pattern => "%{IP:IP}"
        what => "next"
    grok {
        match => {"message" => "%{IP:IP}\(%{HOSTNAME:domain}\)%{SPACE}\(%{USERNAME:user}\)%{SPACE}%{NOTSPACE:file}"}
    mutate {
        remove_field => ["host","@version","path"]
output {
    if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
        file {
            path => "./grokparsefailure.log"
    else if [type] == "my_dashboard" {
        elasticsearch {
            hosts => ""
            index => "user_data"
            document_type => "user"

Thank you in advance for your help :wink:

You need to reverse the logic. Join with the previous line unless it's an IP.

multiline {
  pattern => "^%{IP}"
  what => "previous"
  negate => true

I tried your suggestion and I get the following results :    localhost     user1     file1    localhost     user2     file2 file3 file2 - read only

The expected results should be :    localhost     user1     file1    localhost     user2     file2    localhost     user2     file3

The problem is I don't know in advance how many files will be under each IP line. For now, I can only get the first file under each IP :    localhost     user1     file1    localhost     user2     file2

For each file line, I would like to add IP, domain and user to output in Elasticsearch.