Logstash mutate and copy entire _source object into an inner field


I'm trying to add a layer to my template definition to wrap the existing document as an inner field, lets call it 'summary'. I have to do this for several types, each with many fields. One of the bigger issues will be transforming all of the existing data to the new format. I am trying to use Logstash but am looking for a way to grab the whole _source instead of having to write each field by name.
Can someone suggest how to do this properly?

For example:

filter {
  mutate {
    copy => {"firstName" => "summary.firstName"}
    copy => {"lastName" => "summary.lastName"}
    copy => {"middleName" => "summary.middleName"}
    "summary": {

Use a ruby filter. Perhaps something like

event.set('summary', event.to_hash)

would work. If you don't want every single field to be copied into summary you can copy them one by one and use a conditional to select which ones to copy. For example,

summary = {}
event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
  if k.include? 'Name'
    summary[k] = v
event.set('summary', summary)

only copies field whose name contains "Name".

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