Logstash mutate can't convert 2 fields at once

When I have both a.b and c.d in one log entry, and try to mutate-convert them, only first conversion occures, and the second is not, so it causes logstash to throw failed to parse field warning.

Current config is:
filter {
mutate {
convert => {
"[query][from]" => "string"
"[query][to]" => "string"

Can anybody advice on how to convert both fileds at once?

When I use the construction above I get parsing error about query.to field. If In filter I put converts in that order:
convert => {
"[query][to]" => "string"
"[query][from]" => "string"
I get error regarding query.from field, which makes me think that somehow only one convert action applies, if both fields are present in log entry

tried the same with not nested fields - same behaviour

All is good, it was elastic index, who refused to reindex properly
Not logstash problem. please close the issue

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