Logstash not applying correct system time to ingestion timestamp

Hello, I live in the NA East timezone so currently we are 4 hours behind UTC,
I understand that logstash puts the @timestamp in UTC but it is putting in the wrong time.
Logstash parsed a log at 10:30 am in my timezone (Which is 2:30 pm UTC)

"@timestamp" => 2023-06-13T10:29:59.000Z,

But as you can see it says it is 10:30 am UTC which is not correct as it is 4 hours behind.

When I put the date command into the server to see the time it shows:

Tue Jun 13 02:30:31 PM UTC 2023

How are you creating the [@timestamp] field?

It is automatically created by logstash itself.
This is the conf file that is being run

input {
    syslog {
        port => 5014
filter {

output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
        user => "elastic"
        password => "changeme" 
        index => ["syslog"]
    stdout { 
        codec => rubydebug 

After doing more research and finding this: Logstash Syslog @timestamp incorrect - #7 by BenB196

I fixed the issue by adding the timezone to my syslog input:

input {
    syslog {
        port => 5014
        timezone => "America/New_York"

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