Logstash not sending data to elastic

Hello, I have a logstash file and when I am running the command sudo logstash -f bug.conf logstash starts but there is no data in ELK

This is my bug.conf file:

input {
file {
path => "/Users/siddharth/Desktop/program-list.json"
type => "json"
start_position =>" beginning"

filter {
json {
source => "message"

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://localhost:9200"
index => "bounty-programs-testing"
stdout {}

Can you check what is wrong here ?

What is in the logstash logs? Does logstash produce an event on stdout?

Its a json file which have some multiple data like this:

"program_name": "(ISC)2",
"policy_url": "https://bugcrowd.com/isc2",
"contact_url": "https://bugcrowd.com/isc2/report",
"launch_date": "",
"offers_bounty": "no",
"offers_swag": false,
"hall_of_fame": "",
"safe_harbor": "partial",
"public_disclosure": "",
"pgp_key": "",
"hiring": "",
"securitytxt_url": "",
"preferred_languages": ""

That does answer either of the questions that I asked.

Can you be more clear then ? I am new to all this so if possible can you ask it in easy language ?

What is printed to stdout when you run sudo logstash -f bug.conf?

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