LogStash-- Parsing A log file

I am looking at parsing a log file and inserting it into a MySQL Database. The output works but there seems to be a problem with the date pattern
The following is my log
Feb 15, 2017 09:35:43 AM GMT, INFO - INVALID_VALUES_COUNT = 1
Feb 15, 2017 09:35:43 AM GMT, INFO - BadDataFlag false
Feb 15, 2017 09:35:43 AM GMT, INFO - forecastItem = FH-002527
Feb 15, 2017 09:35:43 AM GMT, INFO - ErrorLog attachment added
Feb 15, 2017 09:35:43 AM GMT, ERROR -
java.lang.Exception: Objects don't exist in Agile for all values in Excel. Please refer ErrorLog in Attachments tab of Forecast Holder for more details.

The my configuration file looks like

input {
file {
type => "weblogic"
path => ["C:\test\logs\CornerStone.log"]
# codec => multiline {
# pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}"
# negate => true
# what => previous
# }

if[type] == "weblogic"
grok {
match => ["message", "%{DATA:wls_timestamp}GMT, %{WORD:severity}"]

							 mutate { add_field => { "severity1" => "%{severity}" } }


output {

	jdbc {
		driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
		connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/log?user=root&password=admin"
		statement => [ "INSERT INTO log.logs(hosname, message, severity) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", "wls_timestamp", "wls_message" ,"severity" ]


The out put works , except that the severity and timestamp and severity come in as null. Can anyone help with this.

Riaz Mohamed

The JDBC output plugin is not an officially supported plugin, so you may need to ask the creator there what to do with the timestamp (and the severity).

Have you tried outputting to the stdout plugin with rubydebug? This is a great way to see if the fields are properly formatted.

output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }

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