Logstash Performance comparison _update_by_query v/s pulling data from DB via SQL

I have created 2 logstash pipelines to index docs in Index A and Index B. I am pulling data from 2 tables in Oracle DB and indexing it in Index A & B respectively.

The requirement is to update all docs in Index B for a given attribute value term/filter, if the attribute changes in Index A

I am trying to trigger one to many bulk updates to docs in Index B using _update_by_query & HTTP output plugin in logstash i.e. if a doc updates in Index A , I want to update multiple docs in Index B.

Approach# 1
Here is what i have done to achieve this i Index A:

          filter {
             ruby {
    		code => "		
    			boolArr = [
              			'term'=> {
    						'rootAttr.childAttr1.keyword' => {
    							'value' => event.get('[rootAttr][childAttr1]')
              			'term'=> {
    						'rootAttr.childAttr2.division.keyword' => {
    							'value' => event.get('[rootAttr][childAttr2]')
          		event.set('[query][bool][must]', boolArr )
          		event.set('[script][params][newRootAttr]', event.get('rootAttr') )
      mutate {
        add_field => {
          "[script][lang]" => "painless"
          "[script][source]" => "ctx._source.rootAttr = params.newRootAttr"
    output {

      http {
        url => "${elasticsearch_hosts}/index_B/_update_by_query?conflicts=proceed"
        http_method => "post"
        format => "json"

Approach# 2:
Pull data from DB based on greatest value of tracking column from both the tables & re-index docs in Index B

I want to understand what is the best approach out of above 2 approaches from performance and error handling perspective.


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