Hi all,
I want to collect only certain tags from my xml file (data with Parameter tag). Here is the example of xml file I want to parse:
// <Instrument Name="GLPO" DisplayName="AAAA" HeartBeat="BBBB">
// <Component Name="AutoCtf" DisplayName="AutoCtf" ServiceCategory="None">
// <Parameter ID="495" EventID="497" Name="Defocus" />
// <Parameter ID="496" EventID="497" Name="Astigmatism" />
// <Parameter ID="497" EventID="497" Name="AstigmatismOrientation" />
// </Component>
// </Instrument>
The problem is, beside right data, logstash index tags which does not have right strings. Here is what I get when run logstash:
// "@version" => "1",
// "event_id" => [
// [0] "498"
// ],
// "host" => "NLEIN-GZCVWZ1",
// "type" => "healthmonitoring",
// "health_id" => [
// [0] "512"
// ],
// "@timestamp" => 2021-02-18T09:04:20.528Z,
// "path" => //"C:/Users/aleksei.poliakov/Desktop/Internship/Logs/HealthMonitorCmd_20200817_153946.xml",
// "message" => " <Parameter ID=\"512\" EventID=\"498\" Name=\"Iteration\" //DisplayName=\"Iteration\" Type=\"Int\" StorageUnit=\"\" DisplayUnit=\"\" DisplayScale=\"\" //FormatString=\"\" ServiceCategory=\"None\" MaxLogInterval=\"00:00:00\" //AbsoluteMinimum=\"-1.7976931348623157E+308\" //AbsoluteMaximum=\"1.7976931348623157E+308\" />\r"
// "@version" => "1",
// "host" => "NLEIN-GZCVWZ1",
// "type" => "healthmonitoring",
// "@timestamp" => 2021-02-18T09:04:20.528Z,
// "path" => //"C:/Users/aleksei.poliakov/Desktop/Internship/Logs/HealthMonitorCmd_20200817_153946.xml",
// "message" => " </Component>\r"
My config file:
// input {
// file {
// path => ["C:/Users/aleksei.poliakov/Desktop/Internship/Logs/HealthMonitorCmd_20200817//_153946.xml"]
// start_position => "beginning"
// sincedb_path => "NUL"
// type => "healthmonitoring"
// exclude => "*.gz"
// }
// filter {
// xml {
// store_xml => false
// source => "message"
// target => "Parameter"
// xpath =>
// [
// "//Parameter/@ID", "health_id",
// "//Parameter/@EventID", "event_id"
// ]
// }
// output {
// if [type] == "healthmonitoring" {
// elasticsearch {
// hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
// index => "health-monitoring-%{+DDMMYYYY}"
// }
// }
// stdout { }
Thank you in advance!