I use https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-elasticsearch.html
For end event I trying to find data from first event
if [url] {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["${ES_node01}"]
index => "logstash-mikrotik-*"
user => "${es_login}"
password => "${ES_pwd}"
sort => "@timestamp:desc"
query => 'vpn_ip:"[src_ip]" and tags:"VPN" and action:"logged in"'
fields => { "login" => "vpn_possible_login" }
docinfo_fields => {
"_id" => "document_id"
"_index" => "document_index"
# "login" => "vpn_possible_login"
But as result I retrived
- event even with wrong action field
- same wrong result for different src_ip
What is the mistake in query?