Logstash - Rabbitmq - same message repeatedly being loaded

Hi There,

I have configured rabbitmq as a broker for reliability, below is my configuration:

input {
udp {
port => 5114
type => "syslog.imq"

output {

    if [type] == "syslog.imq" {

            rabbitmq {
                    key => "mykey"
                    exchange => "myex"
                    exchange_type => "direct"
                    user => "username"
                    password => "password"
                    host => ""
                    port => 5672
                    durable => true
                    persistent => true



input {
rabbitmq {
host => ""
queue => "myq"
durable => true
key => "mykey"
exchange => "myex"
threads => 1
prefetch_count => 50
port => 5672
user => "user"
password => "password"
type => "syslog.raw"
tags => "syslog.input"
tags => "ti.pending"

filter {

    if "syslog.input" in [tags] {

 # formatting commands

                          mutate {

                                    remove_tag => "syslog.input"
                                    add_tag => "syslog.output"



output {

    if "syslog.output" in [tags] {


                            hosts => "localhost:9200"
                            action => "index"
                            index => "myfile-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
                            template => "/etc/logstash/file1.json"
                            template_name => "myfile-*"
                            manage_template => "true"
                            template_overwrite => "true"

Problem: One message is being repeatedly sent to Elasticsearch.

There are no errors in logstash and elasticsearch log files.

Please help me.



Is all of this in the same Logstash instance? Are you sure type => "syslog.raw" for the rabbitmq input overwrites the existing value?

Yes all of these are in same instance, I am really not sure how to ensure that Rabbitmq overwrites type = SYSLOG.IMQ. I would appreciate if you could give some hints.

I am building this to capture firewall SYSLOG events, using below workflow:

Firewall (TCP SYSLOG) -> NXLOG (TCP SSL) -> LS -> RMQ -> LS -> ES

Not sure if I need two instances of LS (Logstash), I am trying to avoid multiple LS instances being Java base.

Alternatively I could use Fluentd instead of first instance of LS and then submit to RMQ -> LS.

Please advise if there is any other solution.



I am really not sure how to ensure that Rabbitmq overwrites type = SYSLOG.IMQ.

Look at the events in Elasticsearch. What's their type?

Not sure if I need two instances of LS (Logstash), I am trying to avoid multiple LS instances being Java base.

Well, you either pay with RAM and CPU or with configuration complexity. Your pick.

Thank you.
I have created two instances of Logstash on same server to avoid any looping.
This is working fine.