Logstash S3 input not deleting files

I am using logstash S3 input plugin. The plugin is not deleting logs post ingestion.

I am running logstsash docker on VM and have "delete => true".

I have job running to delete logs older than 7 days and this is how I clean old logs.

Appreciate any help


input {
  s3 {
    access_key_id => "xxxxxxxxx"
    secret_access_key => "xxxxxxxxxxx"
    bucket => "k8slogs"
    prefix => "logs/"
    interval => "10"
    include_object_properties => "true"
    additional_settings => {
      force_path_style => true
      follow_redirects => false
    sincedb_path => "/data/sincedb/.k8s-clusters-sincedb-s3.file"
    delete => true

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