Hello. Trouble with setting S3 input plugin with private S3 like AWS Minio.
Logstash version OSS 7.16, 7.17, 8.0, 8.1.
Logstash normally read object and send to output, but backup or delete is not working.
Object staying in source bucket with no changes, it is bit small access log json files, size 1-2 kB.
Input config:
input {
s3 {
access_key_id => "${S3_ACCESS_KEY}"
secret_access_key => "${S3_SECRET_KEY}"
endpoint => {{ $.Values.s3_connect_endpoint | quote }}
bucket => "staas-bucket-access-logs"
prefix => "epaas-caasv3-backups"
backup_to_bucket => "staas-bucket-access-logs"
backup_add_prefix => "processed/"
delete => true
IAM role is allowed to any actions, checked that by delete object with mcli tool.
In S3 access logs i see only success (200) GET and HEAD, and no one PUT, POST or DELETE.
In logstash log i see only success logs like below
{"level":"INFO","loggerName":"logstash.inputs.s3","timeMillis":1646814827669,"thread":"[main]<s3","logEvent":{"message":"epaas-caasv3-backups/2022-03-05-09-20-02-312 is updated at 2022-03-05 06:20:02 +0000 and will process in the next cycle"}}
{"level":"INFO","loggerName":"logstash.inputs.s3","timeMillis":1646814827800,"thread":"[main]<s3","logEvent":{"message":"epaas-caasv3-backups/2022-03-05-09-20-02-396 is updated at 2022-03-05 06:20:02 +0000 and will process in the next cycle"}}
{"level":"INFO","loggerName":"logstash.inputs.s3","timeMillis":1646814827932,"thread":"[main]<s3","logEvent":{"message":"epaas-caasv3-backups/2022-03-05-09-20-03-185 is updated at 2022-03-05 06:20:03 +0000 and will process in the next cycle"}}
Trying to configure that all day, and have no idea what is reason.