Logstash sending logs to wrong indices


I'm having an issue with logstash, it's sending logs to the configured output indices of ALL the pipeline configuration files (I have 2 with 1 output index per file) even though it shouldn't.

I'm using the ELK stack version 5.6. I have 1 logstash VM and 2 clustered elasticsearch VMs, it's a very basic setup.

The flow for my logs is as follows:
Cisco Syslog files => /ELK/logstash/Cisco_Syslogs/ => Logstash => elasticsearch:logstash-syslogs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}
IIS log files => /ELK/logstash/IIS/ => Logstash => elasticsearch:logstash-iis_logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}

I copy log files on the logstash VM in two different directories, one for Cisco syslogs (/ELK/logstash/Cisco_Syslogs/) and one for IIS logs (/ELK/logstash/IIS/).
Logstash then processes these logs and sends them to the elasticsearch cluster, each file type goes to a dedicated index.
I have 2 pipeline configuration files in /etc/logstash/conf.d, one is used for processing IIS logs, the other is for processing the Cisco Syslogs.

The relevant pipeline configurations are:

input {
file {
path => '/ELK/logstash/Cisco_Syslogs/*'
start_position => 'beginning'

filter {

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ['','']
index => 'logstash-syslogs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}'


input {
file {
path => '/ELK/logstash/IIS/*'
start_position => 'beginning'

filter {

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ['','']
index => 'logstash-iis_logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}'

For each and every log line in either one of the source folders, logstash will systematically create 1 document in each destination indices, resulting in a big mixup.

When I just have 1 pipeline conf file in the conf.d folder (either one of them), everything works perfectly.

Why is logstash being this way and how can I prevent it from doing so?

For instance, I just extracted one line from a random cisco syslog file and put it under the source directory for the Cisco_Syslogs pipeline:

[root@logstash-1 ~]# cat /ELK/logstash/Cisco_Syslogs/test
<190>1 2017-11-23T05:02:53-05:00 SOURCEDEVICENAME - - - [meta sequenceId="821"] %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list TRAC2.0-ingress denied udp ->, 1 packet
[root@logstash-1 ~]#

When logstash parses this file, it will output it to the 2 indices:

[root@logstash-1 ~]# curl -XGET "*/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"message":"<190>1 2017-11-23T05:02:53-05:00 TMI-ONNRBA-NORBAT1-RTR01-EDG - - - [meta sequenceId="821"] %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list TRAC2.0-ingress denied udp ->, 1 packet ",
"message":"<190>1 2017-11-23T05:02:53-05:00 TMI-ONNRBA-NORBAT1-RTR01-EDG - - - [meta sequenceId="821"] %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list TRAC2.0-ingress denied udp ->, 1 packet ",
[root@logstash-1 ~]#

As you can see, that log line was put in both logstash-syslogs-2017.11.23 & logstash-iis_logs-2017.11.23.
It should only go to logstash-syslogs-2017.11.23.

The _grokparsefailure isn't caused by my grok pattern, when I just have 1 pipeline file they don't occur.

When you put multiple config files in the same directory, Logstash will concatenate these into a single pipeline. If you do not use conditional to separate out the different flows, all inputs will go to all outputs.

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Thank you for your answer Magnus.

I totally overlooked this fact in the documentation.

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