Logstash: SNMP Poll Input - skipping "error: no such.."

I am using SNMP poll input for logstash.
Using SNMP V3, I have a wide range of network devices to monitor which means many oids that are specific by vendor.

I want to know if there is a way to skip oids in which they return "error: no such instance currently exists at this OID".
The reason why I would like to skip is that the oid might apply to one host but not the other. I have many oids, doing this would be a lot of work for every field:

if [snmp][cpu_total_pct] == "error: no such instance currently exists at this OID\" {  
  mutate {
    remove_field => ["[snmp][cpu_total_pct]"]

Wondering if someone might have a better approach to skip oids returning "error.." or a way to remove fields with out having to specify each field, just the value

You could try something like

    ruby {
        code => '
            snmp = event.get("snmp")
            if snmp
                snmp.each { |k, v|
                    if v =~ /error: no such instance currently exists at this OID/
1 Like

Thanks it works! You're a ruby master. Badger!

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