SNMP/MIBs issue error: no such instance currently exists at this OID

I'm getting logstash errors: no such instance currently exists at this OID

Sep 23 15:30:04 <servername> logstash[27639]:              "" => "error: no such instance currently exists at this OID",
  snmp {
    get => ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]
    hosts => [ {host => "udp:172.<x.y.z>/161" community => "public" version => "2c" }]
    interval => 1
    mib_paths => [ "/var/lib/snmp/mibs/ietf/" ]
elk@<servername>:/var/lib/snmp/mibs/ietf$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public 172.x.y.z
iso. = INTEGER: 211432
iso. = INTEGER: 3569256
iso. = INTEGER: 73
iso. = INTEGER: 341
iso. = INTEGER: 91
iso. = INTEGER: 119
iso. = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)

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