Logstash starts pipeline but no output on command line or index created

Here is the Config file

   input {
         file {
           path => "c:/Users/Admin/Desktop/data/cars.csv"
       start_position => "beginning"
       sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
       ignore_older => 0		
    filter {
     csv {
		separator => ","

		columns => ["maker", "model","mileage"]

	mutate {convert =>["mileage","integer"]}


	    hosts => "localhost:3000"
	    index => "cars"
	    document_type => "sold_cars"

If you are on Windows and do not want a sincedb then you should set it "NUL".

i changed it but still get the same result

I suggest you increase the log level and see what it thinks it is doing (--log.level debug)

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