Logstash to Azure Log Analytics issue

We are using the module on our testing environment and it has been added to our logstash.conf. The problem we are facing now is with the elasticsearch module. The logs are now going properly to Log Analytics but does not go to Elasticsearch.

Any idea what could be the issue here?

Our logstash config looks like this.

output {

 if [fields][log_code] == "ins_app_log"  {
    if [applog_meta][sys] {
         elasticsearch {
              hosts => ["https://develasticsearch.dev.net:9200"]
              index => "applog-%{[fields][lifecycle]}-%{[applog_meta][sys]}-%{+YYYY-'w'ww}"
              document_type => "_doc"
              ssl => true
              truststore => "/etc/logstash/security/elk-ins-truststore.jks"
              truststore_password => 'DFdfwfwdkjd$$$!'
              ssl_certificate_verification => false
              user => logstash
              password => "dvffjf@@3###"
         azure_loganalytics {
              customer_id => "$$$$-cb6d-495b-%%%%%%-970bb08babf0"
              shared_key => "tQ7sUyvX7F0UmA7cNs1yoOdc2**************/eXLNagIB5oSl********************=="
              log_type => "applog"
              key_names  => [] ## list of Key names
              key_types => {}
              flush_items => 1000
              flush_interval_time => 1
       # for debug
              stdout { codec => rubydebug }

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