Hello All,
I'm tyring to process 40000 documents by running perl script.The issue faced is that in stack management I can see the index being get cereated but the documents are not inserting the index.
For a seperate usecase I was able to get arountd 17000 documents wherein the script was executing every 30 min.Going by this logic I increased the time to 1 hour to get 40000 documents in my index,but unable to understand why its not inserting.
I'm testing it in test instance with 4 core cpu and JVM heap of 2 GB.
Logstash JVM config:
In the below config file I tried running script every 1 hour and aternatively also tried to run specific time once per day.Still the documents aren't ingested in index.In logs also I dont see any error or exceptions but can see the events.
Could anyone suggest what might be the reason or how to troubleshoot?
input {
exec {
command => '/k/app/MIS/logstash/logstash-7.9.1/scripts/tcgeometry/run_tcs_geometry.sh'
schedule => "0 58 9 * * *"
filter {
if [message] =~ "^\{.*\}[\s\S]*$" {
json {
source => "message"
target => "parsed_json"
remove_field => "message"
split {
field => "[parsed_json][MSLgeometryMonitorResponse]"
target => "geometry"
remove_field => [ "parsed_json" ]
else {
drop { }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://abc:9200"
ilm_pattern => "{now/d}-000001"
ilm_rollover_alias => "tis-monitor-geometry"
ilm_policy => "tis-monitor-geometry-policy"
doc_as_upsert => true
document_id => "%{[geometry][uniqueId]}"
- pipeline.id: tcgeometry
queue.type: persisted
path.config: "/k/app/MIS/logstash/logstash-7.9.1/scripts/tcgeometry/tc_geometrycfg"