Logstash update doc fields if exits

Blockquote logstash to update doc fields if exits or insert
new to ELK stack, sorry if any thing not as per forum
I am sending kafka stream of events logs, there was two types of logs, open-event log and close-event log. support required for logstash configuration to update doc if exits or insert. both the logs having same fields, open-event log is with eventsatus as 'Open' and close-event with 'Close', having same one field ('CAM_ID').


           "Severity" : "PS_MAJOR",
          "LSNExt_AckStatus" : "ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED",
          "@timestamp" : "2021-12-16T17:08:21.479Z",
          "nativeProbableCause" : "Disconnection",
          "LSNExt_AssignedPortLabel" : "",
          "emsTime" : "2021-12-16 22:00:05",
          "l" : "",
          "CAM_ID" : "9195026",
          "PTP" : "",
          "probableCause" : "EMS",
          "CTP" : "",
          "EMS_DN" : "LSN/EMS_BG-40_70",
          "LINKSTATUS" : "Down",
          "j" : "",
          "LSNExt_MEName" : "SONATA SOFTWARE PVT LTD",
          "k" : "",
          "slot" : "",
          "EMS_notifId" : "Not Relevant",
          "SYSTEM_CLEARTIME" : "",
          "CLEARTIME" : "",
          "notificationId" : "5203582",
          "m" : "",
          "NativeEMSName" : "SONATA SOFTWARE PVT LTD",
          "serviceAffecting" : "SA_UNKNOWN",
          "EMSname" : "LSN/EMS_BG-40_70/5833",
          "SYSTEM_OPENTIME" : "2021-12-16 22:00:05",
          "OPENTIME" : "2021-12-16 22:00:05",
          "ObjectType" : "",
          "entity" : "ISP",
          "eventstatus" : "Open",
          "circle" : "KA",
          "neTime" : "2021-12-16 22:00:05",
          "@version" : "1"


           "Severity" : "PS_CLEARED", 
          "LSNExt_AckStatus" : "ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED", 
          "@timestamp" : "2021-12-16T17:30:11.094Z",
          "nativeProbableCause" : "Disconnection",
          "LSNExt_AssignedPortLabel" : "",
          "emsTime" : "2021-12-16 22:23:45",
          "l" : "",
          "CAM_ID" : "9195026",
          "PTP" : "",
          "probableCause" : "EMS",
          "CTP" : "",
          "EMS_DN" : "LSN/EMS_BG-40_70",
          "LINKSTATUS" : "Up",
          "j" : "",
          "LSNExt_MEName" : "SONATA SOFTWARE PVT LTD",
          "k" : "",
          "slot" : "",
          "EMS_notifId" : "",
          "SYSTEM_CLEARTIME" : "2021-12-16 22:23:45",
          "CLEARTIME" : "2021-12-16 22:23:45",
          "notificationId" : "5209303",
          "m" : "",
          "NativeEMSName" : "SONATA SOFTWARE PVT LTD",
          "serviceAffecting" : "SA_UNKNOWN",
          "EMSname" : "LSN/EMS_BG-40_70/5833",
          "SYSTEM_OPENTIME" : "",
          "OPENTIME" : "",
          "ObjectType" : "",
          "entity" : "ISP",
          "eventstatus" : "Close",
          "circle" : "KA",
          "neTime" : "2021-12-16 22:23:45",

want to update already exits doc with same 'CAM_ID', if close-event comes.

fields to be updated in open-event

  1. eventstatus would be 'Close'


input {
  kafka {
        group_id => "2129"
        topics => ["ecievents"]
        bootstrap_servers => "localhost:9092"
        codec => json
        tags => ["ecievents"]
    kafka {
        group_id => "2129"
        topics => ["tejasevents"]
        bootstrap_servers => "localhost:9092"
        codec => json
        tags => ["tejasevents"]
output {
    if "ecievents" in [tags]{
     elasticsearch {
         hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
         document_type => "_doc"
         index => "ecievents"
      stdout { codec => rubydebug
   else if "tejasevents" in [tags]{
    elasticsearch {
          hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
          document_type => "_doc"
          index => "tejasevents"
      stdout { codec => rubydebug

Change your Elasticsearch action type to "update" and define a _id field manually.

FYI: Doing updates in Elasticsearch has 3x the IO.. so if this happens a lot then you need to be sure that its something your system can handle.

 elasticsearch {
         hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
         document_type => "_doc"
         index => "ecievents"
         action => "update"
         doc_as_upsert => true
         document_id => "%{CAM_ID}"
         #CLEARTIME => "%{CLEARTIME}"

Thanks Andreas,

is this correct? while specifying CLEARTIME and LINKSTATUS its showing error.

[ERROR][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Unknown setting 'CLEARTIME' for elasticsearch
[ERROR][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Unknown setting 'LINKSTATUS' for elasticsearch

I don't know what CLEARTIME or LINKSTATUS are supposed to be. Are those fields in your data?

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