Logstash upsert partial document

I have an index that contains some documents where field that are null and eventually once another particular row comes that has data for these fields, I want to upsert all old documents containing a particular document id with the same data that this new row has for the null fields.

So basically in event A the field 'system' is null, in event B that comes later for this same id it has a 'system' value, so while inserting the row B into elasticsearch I also want it to update row A'system' field.

Is this possible or not within logstash using the output elasticsearch?

    hosts=> ["X:9200"]
    index => "search-%{record_date}"
    document_id => "%{id}"
    action => "update"
    doc_as_upsert => true
    workers => 4
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Yes, this should be possible. How are you setting the id field which is used as the document id?

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