Loop through ctx.payload.hits.hits in transform

Excuse the basic questions but I am new to the product and forum.
I am attempting to build a watcher that parses a some of the hits messages and updates an index, but I feel my syntax is wrong. Unfortunately I only get told "Watcher: An internal server error occurred".

Lets say my query returns ctx.payload.hits.hits


Using a script transform I can create my own key with data from hits
"transform": {
"script": {
"source": "ctx.payload.transform = []; def document = ['bob': ctx.payload.hits.hits[0]._source.message]; ctx.payload.transform.add(document) ; return ctx.payload.transform;",
"lang": "painless"

But If I try to introduce a loop I get the server error.
"transform": {
"script": {
"source": "ctx.payload.transform = []; def document = []; for (int j=0;j<ctx.payload.hits.hits;j++){ document = ['bob': ctx.payload.hits.hits[j]._source.message]; ctx.payload.transform.add(document) } ; return ctx.payload.transform;",
"lang": "painless"

What is the correct syntax for iterating around my hits payload and retrieving data?

I have discovered my issue. The syntax does not allow for ";" to appear after closing the loop.
" ctx.payload.transform.add(document) } ; "
" ctx.payload.transform.add(document) } "

1 Like

Hello Steve,

I have a problem looping through transform script.I am trying to return a field as NA in watcher alert email if that field is not available in _source document. I have a pre-formatted email template for which the fields that are not available with _source, I have to show that as NA. I am getting below error.

Watcher: An internal server error occurred

  1. Is transform script is the right choice to do this? Once I transform this how can I access the returned value in the email alert?

    "transform": {
    "script": {
    "source": "for(int j=0;j<ctx.payload.hits.hits;j++){if(ctx.payload.hits.hits[j]._source.containsKey("CASE_NO")) {return ctx.payload.hits.hits[j]._source.CASE_NO} else {return "NA"}}",
    "lang": "painless"


You'll want to change your double-quotes to single surrounding your scripts string values

please dont crosspost your issue at other discussions, that are only very partially similar, as you already opened your own discuss issue. Thank you.

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