Make extracted field visible to all events

Hello, I've the following filter configurations

    if "Dumping Scrapy stats" in [message] {

    				match => [ "message", "'item_scraped_count': %{NUMBER:scraped:int}" ]
    				match => [ "message", "'invalid_items_count': %{NUMBER:invalid:int}" ]

    	 else {
    				match => [ "message", "Crawled iteration for merchant %{WORD:merchant_name} started" ]
output {
    	if "_grokparsefailure" not in [tags]{
    		stdout {
    			codec => rubydebug

    		elasticsearch {
    			hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
    			index => "logstash-%{merchant_name}"

The log line that triggers the grok in the else part, comes before the one that triggeres the if part in the logfile, so after parsing the logfile, I get 2 elasticsearch indices logstash-adidas & logstash-%{merchant_name}, I want the merchant_name field to be (global?) once it is extracted.

How can I solve this problem?

Take a look at this and see if that helps/solves your problem

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