New fields are not added while grok seems fine


I am not able to see new fields I created with grok. I have tried to refresh the indexes, however, I am still not able to see them.

Below is my logstash configuration:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
    host => ""

filter {
    if [log_type] == "artifactory" {
            grok {
                    match => ["message", ["^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:artifactory_timestamp} \[%{DATA:artifactory_thread_name}] \[%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}%{SPACE}] \(%{DATA:artifactory_event_type}\) - %{GREEDYDATA:artifactory_message}"]]

    else if [log_type] == "request" {
            grok {
                    match => ["message", ["%{DATA:artifactory_timestamp}\|%{NUMBER:artifactory_request_time}\|%{DATA:artifactory_request_type}\|%{IP:artifactory_client_ip}\|%{DATA:artifactory_username}\|%{DATA:artifactory_request_method}\|%{DATA:artifactory_resource_path}\|%{DATA:artifactory_protocol_version}\|%{DATA:artifactory_response_code}\|%{GREEDYDATA:artifactory_request_content_length}"]]

mutate {
    copy => { "[fields][log_type]" => "log_type" }

output {

    if [log_type] == "request"{
            elasticsearch {
                    hosts => ""
                    index => "request-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

    else if [log_type] == "artifactory"{
            elasticsearch {
                    hosts => ""
                    index => "artifactory-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Below are two log examples to verify grok is ok:

  1. Request

  2. Artifactory
    2018-11-06 15:40:41,091 [http-nio-8081-exec-9] [INFO ] (o.a.s.ArtifactoryApplicationContext:495) - Artifactory application context set to READY by reload

Any assistance is much appriciated.


Filters are executed in order, and it looks to me like you are only creating the log_type field after you have tried to use it in conditionals. This means that your grok filters will never be run as the field does not exist at that point.

Hi Christian,

Thank you for your reply.

So foolish of me to miss it. Probably I was to tired :tired_face:.

My issue is resolved.

Thank you.

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