Making a new field indexable on a index under rollover policy


We have an index under rollover policy/index template for which we need to update the mapping to make a field searchable (initially set up to index: false but now needed).

What would be the right process?

I'm thinking of the following process:

  1. change the index template with the new mapping
  2. manually force a rollover
  3. reindex previous rollover indexes instances
    Would that make the new indexed field searchable on the new records? or would that break because old records are not searchable?

or should I create a new index, policy, template, then move my pipeline to this new correct format, and reindex the existing data into indexes matching the new rollover pattern?
Like starting the first rollover index at xxxx-000025 and reindexing in all numbers below 25 ?

Up to you what approach to take, they will both work and there's no set guidelines around it :slight_smile:

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Thanks, first option being the less disruptive, would that make the only new indexed field searchable on the new records? or would search queries break because old records are not searchable?

It'll only apply to newly indexed data, not the existing data, yep.

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