Managing queries in Elasticsearch Logstash filter plugin


I'm opening this topic as a follow-up to this one: Elasticsearch query sort order index
My main documentation reference for using Elasticsearch queries in Logstash is

What I would like to understand, is how to manage queries templates to control search results.
Here's an example: let's assume we have three daily indices:

  • logstash-data-2018.07.27
  • logstash-data-2018.07.26
  • logstash-data-2018.07.25

If we use this filter here:

filter {
    elasticsearch {
	    hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
	    index => ["logstash-data-*"]
	    query => "object:%{[data_object]}"
	    result_size => 1
        fields => {"some_field_in_logstash-data" => "some_field"}

If data_object = 12345678, from my understanding, Logstash is using this query template here:

  "query": {
    "match": {
      "object": {
        "query": "12345678",
        "type": "phrase"

So, if logstash-data-* has multiple entries like for instance: 12345678, 123456789, 12345678A
All of them will match and Logstash will simply take the first result.

What I would like to achieve is for Logstash to look for the exact match.
Is it possible to achieve this by using this query template here?

  "query": {
    "match": {
      "object.keyword": {
        "query": "12345678",
        "type": "phrase"

And where I should put this template in order to use the configuration option query_template => "template.json"?

Thank you

Hmmm. Actually I believe it calls:

GET logstash-data-*/_search?q=object:12345678

If you want to search on object.keyword, may be just do:

filter {
    elasticsearch {
	    hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
	    index => ["logstash-data-*"]
	    query => "object.keyword:%{[data_object]}"
	    result_size => 1
        fields => {"some_field_in_logstash-data" => "some_field"}

Thank you @dadoonet, just one more clarification please: if Elasticsearch finds more than one entry, given that result_size => 1, which will be the sorting order?
Is it correct to assume that the default is "sort" : [ { "@timestamp" : "desc" } ]?

[Edit] I tested the query

GET logstash-data-*/_search?q=object:12345678

Against my actual Elasticsearch indexes, and I receive the multiple results in a sort-of random ordering (they are apparently ordered by "_score" but not by @timestamp or index name)

[Edit2] I think I need this query:

GET logstash-data-*/_search
  "size": 1,
  "sort" : [ { "@timestamp" : "desc" } ],
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "object.keyword": {
        "query": "12345678"

Yes. It's by default sorted on _score.

If you wish to pass a more complex query, use a query_template.

I shared an example here:

elasticsearch {
  query_template => "search-by-name.json"
  index => ".bano"
  fields => {
    "location" => "[location]"
    "address" => "[address]"
  remove_field => ["headers", "host", "@version", "@timestamp"]
  "size": 1,
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "match": {
            "address.number": "%{[address][number]}"
          "match": {
            "address.street_name": "%{[address][street_name]}"
          "match": {
            "": "%{[address][city]}"
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@dadoonet thank you so much for your time, your answers have been really helpful!

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