I wonder if anyone could help on the below error? I am trying to import some spatial data into elastic search, using ogr2ogr, but I am getting the below error:
error":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"failed to parse [geometry]","caused_by":{"type":"array_index_out_of_bounds_exception","reason":"-1"}}
On the server side, the error is:
failed to execute bulk item (index) BulkShardRequest [[index][0]] containing [index {[index][FeatureCollection][AV15m2nWhhQ-IblS1nLK], source[n/a, actual length: [4.2mb], max length: 2kb]}]
The geometry is a very big one, is there any way that i can increase the max length, and if yes, would this be a good thing to do?
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