Mapping ISO date

Hello, I have a date stored in mongo as "creationDate" :
The mapping created for creationDate is as follows
"creationDate" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "dateOptionalTime"
which is created by default when I store the mongo document in es.

However, the date stored in es is as follows

As you can see, it is not stored as stipped out the string
part of the date even though I've mapped it as date. Can you please
tell me what I need to change so that it's stored as an ISODate and
not a string

Btw, with the range query I'm still able to enter say
2012-07-13T19:16:28.962Z so I can create a range query on 2 dates
which is cool but I'd still like to store it as say
ISODate("2012-07-13T19:16:28.962Z"). Thanks!

Dates in Elasticsearch are represented in ISO date format, so if you find
"2012-07-13T19:16:28.962Z"" in JSON, it is a valid representation.
Elasticsearch would have reported an error if the date value had been
invalid. Internally, a date is stored as a long.

Best regards,


On Friday, July 13, 2012 10:09:24 PM UTC+2, coys wrote:

Hello, I have a date stored in mongo as "creationDate" :
The mapping created for creationDate is as follows
"creationDate" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "dateOptionalTime"
which is created by default when I store the mongo document in es.

However, the date stored in es is as follows

As you can see, it is not stored as stipped out the string
part of the date even though I've mapped it as date. Can you please
tell me what I need to change so that it's stored as an ISODate and
not a string

Btw, with the range query I'm still able to enter say
2012-07-13T19:16:28.962Z so I can create a range query on 2 dates
which is cool but I'd still like to store it as say
ISODate("2012-07-13T19:16:28.962Z"). Thanks!