Mapping issue

Hi I am a beginner in Elasticsearch so pardon my silly questions. I am trying to feed a json file through Logstash to Elasticsearch so I can later create visualizations in Kibana. However after I create the index and set the mapping I want, when I run the logstash.conf to import the data elasticsearch creates it's own mapping. And if I set dynamic = "strict" I get an error:

"error"=>{"type"=>"strict_dynamic_mapping_exception", "reason"=>"mapping set to strict, dynamic introduction of [Europe] within [_doc] is not allowed"}

This is my mapping:

curl -XPUT -d '
"mappings": { "dynamic": "strict",
"properties": {
"Date" : {"type": "date"},
"Time" : {"type" : "integer"},
"City": { "dynamic": "strict",
"properties": {
"CityName": {"type": "text"},
"Temp": {"type": "integer"},
"Humidity": {"type": "integer"},
"WindDirection": {"type": "text"},
"WindSpeed": {"type": "integer"}

And this is my data:

        "Europe" => {
        "DateTime" => {
            "Time" => "15",
             "Date" => "08.08.2020"
               "City" => [
            [ 0] {
                "WindSpeed" => "03",
                     "CityName" => "Amsterdam",
                       "Humidity" => "33",
                 "WindDirection" => "NE",
                        "Temp" => "32"
            [ 1] {
                "WindSpeed" => "06",
                     "CityName" => "Ankara",
                       "Humidity" => "18",
                 "WindDirection" => "E",
                        "Temp" => "33"

Any input would be really appreciated.

What does the post you are using look like?

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