Mapping template - how to disable analyze / keyword?

I need to store a message, which is bigger than 32k which is the max of lucene.

As I understand I need to create an index template and define the mapping for that field. And there I have to turn of the analyzer.

I exported the mapping of the field, here is the snippet:

"message_full_not_analyzed": {
            "type": "text",
            "fields": {
              "keyword": {
                "type": "keyword",
                "ignore_above": 256

What do I need to change, to disable the analysis of this field?
Just deleting the fields object?

Thanks, Andreas

What do you want to be able to do with this field?

Right now the mapping you have provided treats it for two purposes:

  1. Search - the text type means it is analyzed so you can search for individual words in the message
  2. sorting/aggregating - the keyword is not analyzed so it can be treated as a single token in the index (if < 256 characters which avoids the 32k Lucene limit)

The correct mapping depends on what you want to do with the field's contents.

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