Mappings is no longer a dictionary in 7.x


We are stuck with a problem. Below is part of our code:

Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor descriptor = new Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor(indexName).Settings(s => indexSettings).Mappings(ms => ms.Map(m => m.AutoMap()));

We've changed this to

Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor descriptor = new Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor(indexName).Settings(s => indexSettings).Map(m => m.AutoMap());

After publishing the code we receive the following error: Failed to parse mapping [properties]: Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters: [inhoud : {boost=1.0, type=text}] [languages : {include_in_parent=true, type=nested, properties={keywords={boost=4.0, type=keyword}, contents={boost=1.0, type=text}, intro={type=text}, graduated={type=text}, name={boost=6.0, type=text}, forWho={type=text}, uniqueID={type=long}}}] [afgestudeerd : {type=text}] [naam : {boost=6.0, type=text}] [trefwoorden : {boost=4.0, type=keyword}] [voorWie : {type=text}] [uniqueID : {type=long}] [introtekst : {type=text}] [croho : {type=long}], Error van methode: CreateIndex (Invalid NEST response built from a unsuccessful (400) low level call on PUT: /studies_develop1 # Audit trail of this API call:

The collegue who created the project is no longer working here. We have no clue for any solution.

Help is welcome.



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