Maps, Nested Arrays, Geojson and Kibana

Hello Guys,

I'm facing trouble to implement a map that reads data from an index with documents like:

   "name": "Uncle Bob Farm",
        "area": 10,
         "geoJson": {
                "type": "MultiPolygon",
                "coordinates": [

Well, I tried to search the index, and run vega flatten transform... It did not work.

Is there any way to debug the vega execution?

Thank you

@nyuriks could you help out here, please. You know the debug possibilities the best.

Thank you @timroes. Actually I found the specific information on kibana docs. Thank you again.

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@diogopontual does your document contain multiple geojson objects (geo is a list of objects)? While i think this is a bit strange because geojson itself could contain multiple features with properties, you could use flatten on the geo field to create individual entries. Geojson can then be used directly by geopath transformation.

To debug, see for in-depth details. You can view what your data looks like in the browser's debugger. Hope this helps.

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