i'm trying to find request can match exact field with a empty value or not but without succes.
inside a script i call:
GET index-*/type/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"match_phrase": {"field1": "value1"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field2": "value2"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field3": "value3"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field4": "value4"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field5": "value5"}}
I get the result i want , but sometime my field5 have to be empty and :
GET index-*/type/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"match_phrase": {"field1": "value1"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field2": "value2"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field3": "value3"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field4": "value4"}},
{"match_phrase": {"field5": ""}}
Dont send me back anything ,i have to put out {"match_phrase": {"field5": ""}}
for get answer
How can i do for have generic request, can match exact value for field empty or not