Match on nested field is not working


I am using ES 6.4

I have a nested object with example as below

  "docs": {
    "Flwkt2sBvcxxWw1qkfxk": {
  "o_oper_state": "active",
  "p_ver": "v1",
  "h_ver": "v1",
  "stats_list": [
      "app": "ubuntu",
      "conns": 2,
      "bytes": 12384,
      "rule": "rule1",
      "category": "web, analytics-and-statistics, web-ext-web-service"
      "app": "google_gen",
      "conns": 110,
      "bytes": 6477402,
      "rule": "rule1",
      "category": "web, web-ext-software"
      "app": "google_play",
      "conns": 2,
      "bytes": 181747,
      "rule": "rule1",
      "category": "mobile"
      "app": "google_tags",
      "conns": 2,
      "bytes": 6415,
      "rule": "rule1",
      "category": "web, web-ext-computer-and-internet-info"
      "app": "gstatic",
      "conns": 68,
      "bytes": 5588475,
      "rule": "rule1",
      "category": "web, web-ext-web-service"
      "app": "https",
      "conns": 1577,
      "bytes": 111084334,
      "rule": "rule1",
      "category": "basic, web, standards-based"
  "ts": 1562145722626

and mapping is as below

 "stats_list": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
          "app": {
            "type": "keyword"
          "bytes": {
            "type": "float"
          "category": {
            "type": "keyword"
          "conns": {
            "type": "float"
          "rule": {
            "type": "keyword"

when i try to get docs matching app as ubuntu with below query it doesnt work

"size": 0,
  "query": {
"bool": {
  "must": [
      "term": {
        “”: “ubuntu”


have you tried using a nested query?


yes i did use it, but no luck. It seems this is how ES behaviour is and we need to pass this query to aggregation block also so that aggregation time also filtering happens

can you create a fully reproducible minimal example including the nested query instead of just providing snippets and also specify the exact version of Elasticsearch including the patch release?

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