Match query with best match at top

Hello ,

I am having real difficulty getting best matches at top.
Here's a sample of my document

           "_index": "finished_goods",
           "_type": "_doc",
           "_id": "1",
           "_score": 1,
           "_source": {
             "balance": 100,
             "created": "2021-01-05T06:42:44",
             "updated": "2021-01-05T06:42:44",
             "title": "Bagru Print",
             "description": "",
             "sku": "1",
             "qty": 100,
             "product_category": "run",
             "fabric_combination": "f60",
             "print_technique": "bgr",
             "design_number": "mix",
             "gen_name": "run/f60/bgr/mix/n.a/1"

Now I need to get the best matches with top most priority to gen_name and then all the other fields.

Here is my current query

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "match": {
            "gen_name": "query"
          "query_string": {
            "query": "*query*",
            "fields": [
      "must": [
          "range": {
            "balance": {
              "gte": "more_than",
              "lte": "less_than"
      "must_not": [
          "match": {
            "balance": "0"
  "sort": [
      "field": {
        "order": "sort_by"
  "from": "page",
  "size": "per_page"

But it is not getting correct matches. Help is very very much appreciated.

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