Matching values in array with boost factor indexed


I'm trying to test a couple of things and I seem to be unable to match
filed value when this is indexed as boosted array type. Here's my metadata
(I use explicit dynamic mapping for all types and fields, because I need it
to boost individual fields during indexing and it's required based on docs and
I don't know all the types and fields during index creation. I plan to add
some more explicit mappings in the future, for individual fields are know
about, but I hope it's not necessary now):


state: open
settings: {
    index.number_of_shards: 5
    index.number_of_replicas: 1
    index.version.created: 200599
mappings: {
    User: {
        dynamic_templates: [
                template_default: {
                    mapping: {
                        type: string
                    match: *
        properties: {
            uid: {
                type: string
            userName: {
                type: string
            userId: {
                type: string
                type: string

My test documents are indexed as:


_index: test
_type: User
_id: 123
_version: 1
_score: 1
_source: {
    uid: {
        _boost: 1
        _value: 123
    userName: {
        _boost: 1
        _value: Test Test
    userId: {
        _boost: 0
        _value: 10196
    roleIds: {
        _boost: 1
        _value: [


Then a query like this does not return the user:

$ curl -XPOST url http://localhost:9200/test/_search?pretty=1 -d '
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "+(roleIds:10164)"

I would expect it to return the user, since the value is contained in the
rolesIds field array. When I use following term in the query_string, is
matches the user:

 "query": "+(userId:10509)"

Also, when I change the User's fields to be indexed directly as arrays of
strings (omitting the object with _boost and _value, sacrificing the
boosting being indexed), like:

 roleIds: [

then the same query is matching correctly. Am I missing something or is it
some bug?

I choose to use filtered query, because I need to match documents based on
complicated (already parsed) Lucene queries. This seemed like the best
solution, since I do not form the Lucena queries manually, but already have
existing algorithms to create them. Also I need to use boosting of
individual fields during indexing, since some fields have no end-user
meaning while the other do (but again, I do not know the fields that are
gonna be indexed during index creation, so I cannot boost the whole field
in type definition and instread ned to boost the individual fields and
values when written to index).

Thanks for advice,


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