I'm running into a problem where memory pressure is getting very high very quickly when I make ES calls using a query with a lot of excludes. It seems to work fine for certain values of elastic_tag_subdomain but for others the JVM pressure explodes. My suspicion is that it's the query because I changed our basic query with the one below and the memory pressure problems started.
The query is below and there could be hundreds of properties in _source.excludes
GET transactions/_search?filter_path=_scroll_id,hits.hits._source&scroll=1m&size=10
"_source": {
"excludes": [ "attributes.a", "attributes.b", "attributes.c", "attributes.d", "attributes.e"]
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
{"term": {"elastic_tag_subdomain": "some_company"}},
{"term": {"elastic_tag_module": "order"}},
{"term": {"attributes.order_category": "Regular"}}
I'm wondering if this is normal or not and if anyone has ideas on how to handle this.