Merging hybrid search results (BM25 + HNSW) in elastic 8.7

Hi there! I'm new to Elastic and have been trying to do a information retrieval system for 500k documents of text using python and docker (for elastic 8.7).

I'm not really sure how to go about doing an hybrid search (BM25 + HNSW) with Mean Reciprocal Rank. At the moment I'm giving what I think are weights (50/50). And it exists a warning because body param is deprecated.

How should I build a hybrid search using BM25 + HNSW in python client that uses Mean Reciprocal Rank and can handle 500k docs?

The code I have at the momento is the following:

from datetime import datetime
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import pandas as pd

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Elastic Search Index
    idx_name = "hnsw_big"

    # Load the model
    model = SentenceTransformer('distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1')

    # Create Elasticsearch index with custom similarity
    es = Elasticsearch('https://user:password@localhost:9200', ca_certs='http_ca.crt')

    if es.indices.exists(index=[idx_name]):

        # Get a list of all indices
        indices =
        print("Existing indices:")

        # es.indices.delete(index=idx_name)
        print("Index exists!")
        # Read the CSV file ---------------------------------
        # columns: id, content, date
        # example row: 12345678 (int), "Some text to be used" (str), "2023-18-04 14:21:18.000" (str)
        df = pd.read_csv('path/test-file.csv', header=0)

        # Encode the content column with the model
        embeddings = model.encode(df['content'].tolist(), convert_to_tensor=True, normalize_embeddings=False, show_progress_bar=True)

        # Convert embeddings to a list of dictionaries
        data = [{'id': row['id'], 'content': row['content'], 'date': row['date'], 'embeddings': embedding.tolist()} for idx, (index, row), embedding in zip(range(len(df)), df.iterrows(), embeddings)]

            stgs = {
                "number_of_shards": 1,
                "analysis": {
                    "filter": {
                        "portuguese_stop": {
                            "type": "stop",
                            "stopwords": "_portuguese_"
                        "portuguese_keywords": {
                            "type": "keyword_marker",
                            "keywords": ["exemplo"]
                        "portuguese_stemmer": {
                            "type": "stemmer",
                            "language": "light_portuguese"
                    "analyzer": {
                        "rebuilt_portuguese": {
                            "tokenizer": "standard",
                            "filter": [

            mpgs = {
                "properties": {
                    "content": {
                        "type": "text"
                    "embeddings": {
                        "type": "dense_vector",
                        "dims": 512,
                        "index": True,
                        "similarity": "cosine",
                        "index_options": {
                            "type": "hnsw",
                            "m": 32,
                            "ef_construction": 100
                    "date": {
                        "type": "date",
                        "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"

            es.indices.create(index=idx_name, settings=stgs, mappings=mpgs)

            # Get a list of all indices
            indices =
            print("Existing indices:")

            for doc in tqdm(data, total=len(data)):
                    # print(doc)
                    es.index(index=idx_name, id=doc['id'], document=doc, refresh=True)
                    # print(doc)
                    # print("error!")

    # print the total number of documents in the index
    resp = es.get(index=idx_name, id=<some_id_to_be_tested>)
    print("Query.:", resp['_source'])

    # define the query text
    query = "<Some_query_to_be_tested>"
    query_vector = model.encode(query, normalize_embeddings=False, convert_to_tensor=True).tolist()
    k = 5
    # define the Elasticsearch query using HNSW ANN and BM25
    es_query = {
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "content": {
            "query": query,
            "boost": 0.5
      "knn": {
        "field": "embeddings",
        "query_vector": query_vector,
        "k": k,
        "num_candidates": 60,
        "boost": 0.5
      "size": k * 2

    # execute the Elasticsearch query
    results =

    # print the search results
    for hit in results["hits"]["hits"]:
        print(f"Document ID: {hit['_id']}")
        print(f"Document Content: {hit['_source']['content']}")
        print(f"Document Date: {hit['_source']['date']}")
        print(f"Document Score: {hit['_score']}")

Welcome @Francisco_Rocha .

What exactly do you mean by "mean reciprocal rank"? Currently we support only a linear combination of scores from BM25 and HNSW. But there is work in progress to support reciprocal rank fusion, where only positions (ranks) of documents are taken into consideration.

This documentation shows how to do hybrid retrieval that does linear combination. You need to define boost values for BM25 and knn queries yourself experimentally.

And it exists a warning because body param is deprecated.

It is not clear where exactly you see this warning, you can submit a separate issue for this.

Yes, my bad. I meant "Reciprocal Rank Fusion - RRF".
Regarding the warning, it appears because of If i wanted to swap the deprecated body param by a query in a regular search we can do "<search_params>)" but if I want to do knn search it does not appear to work (I was expecting something like "<search_params>)") ou "knn_search".
Ideally I needed something like:

bm25_params = {
    "match": {
        "content": {
            "query": query,
            "boost": 0.5

knn_params = {
    "field": "embeddings",
    "query_vector": query_vector,
    "k": k,
    "num_candidates": 60,
    "boost": 0.5

# execute the hybrid query
results =
    size=k * 2

It would be nice to create a separate issue about Python client, so that our Python client team can look at it.

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