Hi all
I'd like to have logstash running through all documents in the index "timeseries" and merge them with documents in another index called "contract". The resulting new merged document should be written into a destination index "merge". Only documents in the "timeseries" index which meet the following criteria shall be processed:
"asset_id" = "ts_asset_id" AND
"contract_direction" = "ts_direction" AND
"ts_timestamp" >= "contract_from" AND "ts_timestamp" <= "contract_to"
I assume this task can be done with the ES input, the ES filter and ES output plugin. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-elasticsearch.html. But I am totally unfamiliar with the query language or ruby. Can someone provide a proposal for a logstash .conf file to do the job?
Logstash 7.4.2
ES 7.4.0
Thanks and BR
document 1, index: "timeseries":
"ts_asset_id": "LU1234",
"ts_direction": "consumption"
"ts_timestamp": "2019-10-09T16:15:00.000Z",
"ts_type": "actual",
"ts_value": 2.6
document 1, index: "contract":
"asset_id": "LU1234",
"contract_id": "gri7777777",
"contract_direction": "consumption"
"contract_from": "2019-09-30T22:00:00.000Z",
"contract_to": "2019-10-31T23:00:00.000Z",
"asset_gridlevel": "5"
expected output document, index: "merge":
"ts_asset_id": "LU1234",
"ts_direction": "consumption"
"ts_timestamp": "2019-10-09T16:15:00.000Z",
"ts_type": "actual",
"ts_value": 2.6
"asset_id": "LU1234",
"contract_id": "gri7777777",
"contract_direction": "consumption"
"contract_from": "2019-09-30T22:00:00.000Z",
"contract_to": "2019-10-31T23:00:00.000Z",
"asset_gridlevel": "5"
document 2, index: "timeseries":
"ts_asset_id": "LU1234",
"ts_direction": "consumption"
"ts_timestamp": "2019-11-04T06:30:00.000Z",
"ts_type": "actual",
"ts_value": 3.7
document 1, index: "contract":
"asset_id": "LU1234",
"contract_id": "gri7777777",
"contract_direction": "consumption"
"contract_from": "2019-09-30T22:00:00.000Z",
"contract_to": "2019-10-31T23:00:00.000Z",
"asset_gridlevel": "5"
expected output document, index: "merge":
no output document ("ts_timestamp" > "contract_to")
document 3, index: "timeseries":
"ts_asset_id": "LU1234",
"ts_direction": "consumption"
"ts_timestamp": "2019-02-04T08:45:00.000Z",
"ts_type": "actual",
"ts_value": 14.2
document 1, index: "contract":
"asset_id": "LU1234",
"contract_id": "gri7777777",
"contract_direction": "consumption"
"contract_from": "2019-09-30T22:00:00.000Z",
"contract_to": "2019-10-31T23:00:00.000Z",
"asset_gridlevel": "5"
expected output document, index: "merge":
no output document ("ts_timestamp" < "contract_from")
document 1, index: "timeseries":
"ts_asset_id": "LU1234",
"ts_direction": "consumption"
"ts_timestamp": "2019-10-09T16:15:00.000Z",
"ts_type": "actual",
"ts_value": 2.6
document 2, index: "contract":
"asset_id": "LU4567",
"contract_id": "gri88888888",
"contract_direction": "production"
"contract_from": "2019-09-30T22:00:00.000Z",
"contract_to": "2019-10-31T23:00:00.000Z",
"asset_gridlevel": "7"
expected output document, index: "merge":
no output document ("ts_asset_id" != "asset_id") and/or ("ts_direction" != "contract_direction")