Message display format in Kibana

Can we control the order in which the parameters of the message are displayed in Kibana?

For example can we specify that we want the message to be displayed in the format <error_type> <error_message>.
However if these custom fields are not found, it can default to displaying in the default format.


Which messages are you talking about? Can you please paste a screenshot of an example here?


I'm referrring to the messages that are displayed in the "discover" tab in Kibana. For example I'm indexing logs that have the parameters timestamp, err_type, err_id, err_log.

Kibana displays it in a certain defualt order. I'm just interested in knowing we can alter the pattern of the message like timestamp, err_type, err_id, err_log.

I'm sorry I can't post a screenshot as it's in the workstation at work.


You can definitely sort the fields. In this example I have added bytes as a column and marked where you can sort them. Is this what you were looking for?


Yep, I think this will help. Thank you.

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