Metric visualization conditional color change

I was attempting to follow along with this Conditional color change in Metric Widget in an attempt to re-create the metric that changes colors depending on what range the value is in. However, when I look at the color options that are available to me I do not see the "use color for" option. I am using Kibana version 6.2.3. Is "use color for" not an option available to me? Or is there another way to do this?
Any guidance would be really appreciated. Thank you!

That option only shows up when you add different ranges that your metric can be in, which will determine which color the metric should receive. Have you added multiple ranges for your metric?

Hello, thank you for the reply! Yes, I have added the multiple ranges for the metric.
However, I didn't see this before I posted the question but for some reason for me the "use color for" option is underneath Style instead of Color Options and I had the Style menu collapsed the whole time.

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