Hi ,
I am using elasticsearch & kibana & logstash version 6.3.2 .
I am using metricbeat 6.3 version and want to use to following modules :
- module: mysql
I am trying to connect to secure mysql with cert and I can't want work with that because in the metricbeat-reference-yml.html it's missing .
2.module: redis
I am trying to connect to secure redis that work with ssl in port 6380 and I get this error : "redis/redis.go:45 Error retrieving INFO stats: read tcp x.x.x.x:47324->x.x.x.x:6380: read: connection reset by peer" also in the metricbeat-reference-yml.html there is missing fields . - module: zookeper -
I want to connect to zookeper with username and password and it's missing in the metricbeat-reference-yml.html .